- (Classic Morpheus!)
- (Classic Morpheus!)/Transcript
- AIRPLANE - Insanity Wolf
- ANIMEME High School - Karate Kyle
- Alex Negrete
- All The Things! (character)
- Animeme
- Animeme High School
- Animeme Rap Battles
- Animeme Wiki
- Anna
- Ash Ketchum
- Asian Father
- Bad Luck Brian (episode)
- Birds Afraid of Heights
- Black Baby
- Black Baby/Transcript
- Boomerang
- Breaking Bad
- Brock Baker
- Cat Grumps
- Caxx
- Chemistry Cat
- Condescending Wonka
- Courage Wolf
- Courage Wolf (episode)
- Courage Wolf (minisode)
- Courage Wolf 2 (minisode)
- Creepers
- Dubstep Aliens
- Elsa
- Emmet
- Fluttershy
- Forever Alone
- Forever Alone vs. Overly Attached Girlfriend - ANIMEME RAP BATTLES
- Frozen Sisters
- Grumpy Cat
- Grumpy Cat vs. Nyan Cat - ANIMEME RAP BATTLE
- Grumpy Cat vs. Nyan Cat - ANIMEME RAP BATTLES
- Guest Actors
- Hey Beautiful
- I Will End it All!
- Idiot Nerd Girl
- Insanity Wolf
- Insanity Wolf (episode)
- Insanity Wolf Christmas Song!
- Insanity Wolf vs. Courage Wolf - ANIMEME RAP BATTLES
- It's a Fap!
- Kim Jong-un
- List of Animeme Episodes
- Little Girls
- Luigi
- Mario
- Mario's wrecking ball
- Mario Bros.
- Mario Bros. vs. Frozen Sisters - ANIMEME RAP BATTLES
- Matrix Morpheus (Episode)
- Meowth
- MetalBeard
- Michelle Glavan
- Mick Lauer
- Most Interesting Man
- Most Interesting Man vs. Old Spice - ANIMEME RAP BATTLES
- Mrs. Bieber
- North Korea attacks America
- Nurse Joy
- Nyan Cat
- OH F**K!
- One Night Stand
- Overly Attached Girlfriend
- Pedobear (episode)
- Pinkie Pie
- Pokémon vs. My Little Pony - ANIMEME RAP BATTLES
- Professor Oak
- Psy
- Psy vs. Kim Jong Un - ANIMEME RAP BATTLES
- Psybeam
- Rainbow Dash
- Rainbow Dash Clopping
- Rainbow Dash Clopping/Transcript
- RedMinus
- Slender Man
- Slender Man meets Honey Boo Boo
- Slender Man vs. Insanity Wolf - ANIMEME RAP BATTLES
- Slender Man vs. Pedobear
- Slender Man vs. Unwanted House Guest - ANIMEME RAP BATTLES
- Star Power
- Steve
- Super Cool Ski Instructor
- Taste the Rainbow
- This is Prada
- Thomas/Opthomasprime
- Twilight Sparkle
- Unwanted House Guest
- Vitruvius
- Walker Texas Christmas
- Ways To Kill a Bug
- Y U No
- You're Gonna Have A Bad Time