Boomerang is the fourth episode of Animeme. It was released August 4, 2012.
- Back Luck Brian
Goes as Batman for Halloween
Kids are cheering
- Successful Black Man
Dang Kid! Back that Thing UP!
Or you're Gonna Lose all of Your Files!
- Soon
(a cat is evilly staring at a dog eat from a distance)
- Awesome Penguin
Dad Sits down to Give you the Talk
To teach New Dance Moves
- Condesending Wonka
Oh, you use you chopsticks at Panda Express?
You must be so cultured
- Rage Comic
Doctor: Good news first, or bad news?
Patient: Good news, of course!
Doctor: You're gonna have a disease named after you.
Patient: ..........Hoorain
- Chemistry Cat
Tell a potassium joke
- Hight Expections Asian Father
You dropped F-bomb in school?!
Why you not drop A......nevermind
- Almost Politically Correct Redneck
Ain't nothing wrong with the Chinese
Especially when they speak English, instead that ching chang language
- Misunderstood Spider
A scene of a depressing looking father, son, and mother spider
My family is cold and homeless, can we crash in the corner tonight?
A roll up newspaper comes down, crushing the mother spider
Or squish my wife, that's cool, too
- Really High Guy
Hey guys
Wake me up when I'm hungry
- Philosoraptor
If swearing is immature
Why is it reffered to as 'Adult Language'?
- Godfather Baby
Next time you take my nose
I'll break your legs
- Stare Dad
Son: Dad! I'm hungry!
Dad: Tell your mother.
Son: She's not in the kitchen
- Forever Alone:
Throws Boomerang
Doesn't come back