Black Baby is the first episode of the animated series, Animeme. It premiered on YouTube on July 16, 2012.
Why Not Zoidberg?
Zoidberg offers to have an animated meme made out of him.
Bad Luck Brian
Brian is said to have gotten his first troll hair... in his salad.
All The Things
The guy in the meme yells to dub all the steps.
Paranoid Parrot
The parrot says to turn the basement lights off, then run upstairs quickly.
The guy in the meme reminds the audience that the protagonist of the Zelda games is Link, and not Zelda.
Condescending Wonka
Wonka sarcastically guesses that someone wearing a tap out shirt is super tough.
Okay Guy
Okay Guy asks is he can come with some people, but is turned down.
Courage Wolf
The wolf suggests that you eat a mosquito if it bites you, then you can take back what's yours.
Rage Comics
A woman tells her husband that she's pregnant, which makes him happy that he'll be a father. When the baby is born months later, it's discovered that the baby is black, but the parents are not. The wife realizes that she needs to confess to an affair, but the husband is happy nonetheless, thinking the baby will grow up to be a sports all-star.
The philosoraptor wonders if you can still see if you have both x-ray vision and your eyes closed.
The Most Interesting Man in the World
The man tells the audience that he doesn't always have fun, but when he does, it's [BLEEP].
The guy in the meme asks why curiosity killed the cat.
Scandalous Steve
Steve asks if he can borrow your lighter permanently.
Minecraft Creeper
The Creeper points out that your house doesn't have a door, before exploding.
Forever Alone
The FA guy accepts the challenge for a 40 year old virgin.
The Skowpoke tells you that someone should kill Hitler.
Good Guy Greg
Greg holds the door open for a beautiful lady and her boyfriend.
Insanity Wolf
The wolf suggests demonstrating [BLEEP] to your parents when they ask what it is.